I was watching video about kubectl by janakiram and surprising I found there is also world of commands rather than create, delete, get. kubectl has lots of interesting easter eggs.

Some of the cool things I found as below,

kubectl get pods -o wide
kubectl get pod web -o=yaml/json
kubectl get pod -o wide | awk {'print $1" " $7'} | column -t
kubectl edit pod/web
KUBE_EDITOR="sublime" kubectl edit pod/web
kubectl get pods web -o jsonpath={.spec.containers[*].name}
kubectl cordon <ip-of-node> 
kubectl uncordon <ip-of-node>  
kubectl drain <node>
kubectl drain <node> --force
kubectl proxy 
kubectl proxy --port=8000
kubectl port-forward <pod_name> <host_port>:<container_port>
kubectl cp <file> <podname>:<path>
kubectl explain

Thanks janakiram for awesome tutorial.
